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Carmanah Technologies Inc. is an award winning alternative energy manufacturer specializing in patented solar-powered LED lighting solutions for the marine, transit, roadway, railway and aviation markets. The company has more than 70,000 units installed in 110 countries.


AQUA SOLAR AMERICA Our Solar Manufacturing Company marketing plan concept is to dominate the American solar thermal industry, with low cost / high quality evacuatedthermal heat pipes for everything requiring heatedfluids such as water for food processing, includingHVAC thermal air conditioning chiller systems.James Robert Seidel ,is the company CEO since 1979Designer of several awards in the field of thermaland photovoltaic energy.

Mailing Address:
Postal Box 340938
Sacramento, California 95834
United States of America


Fronius is one of the leading photovoltaic inverter manufacturers as well as a world market leader in high frequency welding technology. Headquartered in Wels, Austria the US subsidiary Fronius USA, LLC is located in Brighton, Michigan. Fronius has over 65 years of experience in developing innovative power conversion technologies and employees over 2800 globally. Fronius was founded in 1945 and has developed a revolutionary inverter concept that is used for grid-connected PV systems.


Lien Fa specializes in the area of plastic machinery. Products that we offer such as Injection Molding Machine, Direct Hydraulic Clamping Injection Molding Machine, Saving Energy Injection Molding Machine, High Speed High Pressure Injection Molding Machine, and Vertical Injection Molding Machine.

Cooler Planet is a Seattle-based company created and run by passionate environmentalists with backgrounds in software engineering and online marketing. Through our own efforts to reduce our personal carbon footprints, we've learned how hard it is for even the most committed "green" consumer or small business owner to decrease their reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Based on our experiences, we created Cooler Planet: a business dedicated to helping consumers and small business owners reduce their contribution to global climate change. Over time, we aim to provide you all the tools and resources you need to reduce the carbon footprint of your home, your business, and your life.


Experience Avery Dennison's pressure-sensitive label materials. Influence Consumers at the shelf with our portfolio of pressure-sensitive adhesive labels. Our Label and Packaging Materials (LPM) division offers pressure-sensitive label stock and adhesive film that can be designed and manufactured for any application. We combine creative expertise and engineering with best-in-class automation to produce solutions whose beauty and performance help some of the world's top brands.


Englert Environmental is a leading provider of renewable resources and renewable energy solutions where metal roofing and rainware systems play a critical role in collecting solar energy and harvesting rainwater.

Some of the most innovative products that exist today are produced by the biotechnology industry-from vaccines that prevent previously debilitating diseases to drought-resistant crops and renewable biofuels from algae. The key sectors of the fast-growing biotech industry are life science, energy, and food. All must comply with regulations and standards to compete in a highly competitive global market

Our products help householders save up to 25% on their home energy bills by allowing them to view their home consumption through small monitors or online to their smart phone,tablet or laptop. We have sold over 500,000 energy saving products around the world. Our aim is to help save money for the home and lower the carbon footprint of the householder.Our website and our blog are full of useful energy saving ideas and products


Pre-financed heating, cooling and/or hot water systems based on the latest heat pump technology from 15kW up to 1200kW per machine. Lower your costs and use sustainability without investment. Enjoy new and efficient systems just by sharing your energy savings with us. SUSTAINABILITY WITHOUT INVESTMENT. Turnkey solutions and industrial heat pumps! For heating, cooling and hot water. SGready (Smart grid ready)


AllEarth Renewables is the designer and manufacturer of the AllSun Tracker, a complete grid-tied, dual-axis solar electric system that uses GPS technology to follow the sun, producing up to 45% more energy than fixed systems. With over 30 years of experience in the renewable energy industry, AllEarth Renewables has become the nation's leading solar tracker company with over 1,900 AllSun Tracker installations throughout the U.S.

For 20 years, Solar Energy International (SEI) has been providing hands-on and online courses in solar training, renewable energy workshops, and courses in sustainable building technologies.

CALB Co., Ltd., one of the largest lithium battery manufacturer in China. We also established JV in Pomona, California, USA and sale office in Germany. We are now working with most of the Class A vehicle producers in China and some international customers, including AXEON POWER, TURN-E, ALL GREEN, AMP, ETC. Besides we have wide experience in batteries used on UPS for telecommunications and grid peak cutting and frequency regualtion.


LED lighting manufacturer. Account Rep in Northeast.

Electronics Technicians Association International (ETA), a world-wide not-for-profit association founded in 1978, promotes excellence in the Renewable Energy industry through certification. ETA offers accredited, vendor-neutral certification in Photovoltaics, Small and Commercial Wind, Renewable Energy Integrator, and Electric Vehicle Technology. The ETA Renewable Energy Certification Programs include a three level career path for installers, technicians, and integrators.