Education & Training

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We are a team dedictaed to to educating and networking Eco companies and providers. Our annual event showcases hundreds of Ecological products and services. Taste, Learn, and Shop with us at the Think Green Eco Expo only in Playa del Carmen mexico.

The Midwest Renewable energy Association is a non-profit educational institute that offers workshops and training on topics of renewable energy and sustainable living.The MREA is also the host of the worlds largest renewable energy and sustainable living fair.

Mailing Address:
7558 Deer Rd
Custer, WI 54423
United States of America

Solar Institute ( PVt) Ltd is a first solar Institute in Pakistan. It is training, research, consultancy and service organization providing continuous solar skill development program and consultancy services. The Institute has highly qualified faculty and state of art training lab and LED fitted class rooms. Solar Institute will be a place where females will be provided skill development training. Solar Institute will provide consultancy for turnkey EPC solar solutions in Pakistan.

The Southern African Association for Energy Efficiency (SAEE) is one of 70 international chapters of the American Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). The SAEE supports the AEE's mission to promote the scientific and educational interests of those engaged in the energy industry and to foster action for sustainable development.

The second European conference and exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT-EUROPE 2011), sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and hosted by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of The University of Manchester, will be held December 5 - 7 2011. This is an international forum for participants to address and discuss the state-of-the-art innovation in smart grids.

The European Future Energy Forum, 10-12 Oct,Geneva, Switzerland consists of a high-profile conference alongside an international CleanTech exhibition and will address renewable energy questions in a real multi-stakeholder environment with decision makers from governments, regulators, investors, financial institutions, business and NGOs, and a special emphasis on business from utility, energy, renewable energy, infrastructure companies and future energy consultancies.

Main Street Power Company, Inc. is a national developer and financier of solar projects across North America. Main Street Power secures innovative financing solutions including Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for its distributed generation and large-scale utility clients. The company is committed to forming local partnerships with installation professionals, general contractors, unions, and workforce development groups. Primary clients include public schools, universities, utilities, municipali

help promote the Eco- Green & Solar Industry and continue educating consumers in the US about the benefits and savings , that can be made in the short and long run.

Sharing best practice to create livable cities in terms of reducing CO2 emmisions is the idea behind Green Seminars.