E-Buses to Surge Even Faster Than EVs as Conventional Vehicles Fade
IET’s Renewable Power Generation Conference Comes To Copenhagen

Battery Boom: Wind And Solar Can Generate Half Of Worldwide Electricity By 2050
Coal is to shrink to just 11% of global electricity generation by mid-century, from 38% now, as costs shift heavily in favour of wind, solar and batteries. Wind and solar are set to surge to almost “50 by 50” – 50% of world generation by 2050 due to reductions in cost. “Cheap battery storage means that it becomes increasingly possible to finesse the delivery of electricity from wind and solar so that these technologies can help meet demand even when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining. The result will be renewables eating up more and more of the existing market for coal, gas and nuclear.”

India: Improved Monsoon Winds Help Power Producers in 2018
After a prolonged period of decline, wind speeds in India during the 2018 monsoon season were significantly higher than normal; and up to 20% higher than long-term averages in some regions. These higher wind speeds benefit wind farm production; welcome news for wind energy operators and investors, who have faced several years of lower-than-normal wind energy production during the monsoon period. These increased wind speeds can thus counter recent patterns of decline contributing to an increase in investor confidence with a data-driven approach.

Ingeteam’s Indian Wind Converter Factory Achieves DNV GL Certification First
Ingeteam has announced that it received DNV GL’s “Shop Approval in Renewable Energy” certification for the wind converter manufacturing facility recently established by the company in the Tamil Nadu region. Its new facility is the first-ever wind converter factory to receive such a certification in India. DNV GL’s Shop Approval is awarded upon successful completion of a comprehensive audit and enables Ingeteam to simplify the scope of subsequent quality inspections. This next level certification guarantees that a workshop operates within a high-standard manufacturing environment and that adequate working procedures and methods are consistently deployed by qualified staff.

Arsenal Unveil Battery Storage System: First Of Its Kind At A UK Football Club
Arsenal Football Club has unveiled a battery storage system (BSS) to store enough energy to run the 60,000 seater Emirates Stadium from kick-off to full time. It follows a unique collaboration with Pivot Power to install a 2MW/2.5MWh lithium ion BSS, with funds managed by Downing LLP. The project, the first of its kind in the UK, will also save club money as it works to support low-carbon plans. The BSS allows Arsenal to avoid peak power prices, buying electricity when it is cheap and storing it for use when prices are high. Typically, energy can cost three times more at peak times than overnight. The installation maintains Arsenal as the leader in sustainability in sport following its commitment to clean energy with Octopus Energy in 2016.

EU Parliament Aims Higher For Renewables In Its 2030 Climate And Energy Goals
The European Parliament’s Industry & Energy (ITRE) and Environment (ENVI) committees have voted their position on the Energy Union Governance Regulation, just a week after the ITRE committee called for raising the EU’s 2030 renewable energy target to 35% instead of 27%. The Governance Regulation sets out how EU Member States will deliver the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy goals including the binding EU renewables target and how they will give visibility to renewable energy investors on post-2020 deployment volumes. The IEA now says that wind will be Europe’s leading electricity source soon after 2030.

Key Industry Players Meet To Discuss Infrastructure Financing In Benelux Region
The Benelux region has been seeing huge developments in the renewable energy and infrastructure industry. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has recently announced that it is supporting Belgian offshore wind projects, as part of the €3.4 billion investment package for renewable energy. In addition, EIB and other key industry players are meeting to discuss financing infrastructure in the region at the 17th annual Benelux Infrastructure Forum next month in Amsterdam. These include MEAG MUNICH ERGO KAG mbH, EIB, AG Insurance, Macquarie Capital and NN Investment Partners.

Corporate Sourcing of Renewables Growing, Taking Place in 75 Countries
Companies in 75 countries actively sourced 465 terawatt hours (TWh) of renewable energy in 2017, an amount close to the overall electricity demand of France, according to the report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). With the continued decline in the costs of renewables, the report suggests, corporate demand will continue to increase as companies seek to reduce electricity bills, hedge against future price spikes and address sustainability concerns.

2018 First two-thirds: US Electrical Generation By Solar Grows 30%; Wind By 16%
Renewable energy sources biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) accounted for over 18.0% of net domestic electrical generation during the first two-thirds of 2018, according to a SUN DAY Campaign analysis of just-released data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

US: EIA Data Shows Renewables Outpacing Nuclear Power In Electrical Generation
The latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is showing that electrical generation by renewable sources has edged past nuclear power. Additionally, wind and solar now provide 10% of the nation’s electricity, overall; with solar alone surpassing biomass and geothermal combined. Significantly, solar now triples electrical generation by oil. In addition, the data reveals that solar and wind both showed strong growth with solar (i.e., utility-scale + distributed PV) expanding by 27.6% and wind by 11.2%. Combined, they accounted for nearly a tenth of the nation’s electrical generation.

EU Approves Ambitious Energy Efficiency Goals, Encourages Clean Energy Feed-In
Europeans will now be entitled to consume, store and sell the renewable energy they produce in line with ambitious targets set by the EU. The targets are to be reviewed by 2023, and can only be raised, not lowered. By making energy more efficient, Europeans will see their energy bills reduced. In addition, Europe will reduce its reliance on external suppliers of oil and gas, improve local air quality and protect the climate. For the first time, member states will also be obliged to establish specific energy efficiency measures to the benefit of those affected by energy poverty. Member states must also ensure that citizens are entitled to generate renewable energy for their own consumption, to store it and to sell excess production.

Clean Energy: Most Competitive Source of New Power Generation in the Middle East
Renewable energy is the most competitive form of power generation in GCC countries, according to a new report published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). It says that achieving stated 2030 targets brings significant economic benefits to the region including the creation of more than 220 000 new jobs whilst saving over 354 million barrels of oil equivalent (MBOE) in regional power sectors. Furthermore, the power sector’s CO2 emissions can be reduced by 136 million tonnes (22%), while water withdrawals in the power sector can be cut by 11.5 trillion litres (17% reduction) in 2020.

Solar And Wind Provide 100% Of New Generating Capacity Additions In September
US – According to an analysis by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), solar and wind were the only energy sources adding new capacity to the U.S. electricity generation mix in September. Three “units” of new wind accounted for 363-MW while nine units of solar provided 339-MW.
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