Education & Training

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world wide promoter of jatropha and provides production technology for the biofuel crop. by cultivating jatropha creating a new source of income for the farmers

HVAC Excellence provides accreditation, assessments, certifications, credentialing, professional development and publications. Program include a Green Awareness modular training program, an Energy Auditing curriculum, and other energy efficiency programs.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 491
Mt Prospect, IL 60056
United States of America

Ecotech Institute is the first and only college entirely focused on preparing America's workforce for careers in renewable energy and sustainable design. Launched in April 2010 in Denver, Colorado, the college offers seven associate's degrees and a certificate program designed by experts in the industry for people seeking careers in the emerging cleantech economy. Ecotech Institute is a division of Education Corporation of America.

With research and elbow grease you can be on your way to a lower monthly budget and a more environmentally friendly home or business.

Since its official launch in April 2008, Green World Conferences have been successfully delivering incisive conferences focused on the renewable energy industry. Complimented by roundtables, trainings and field trips our events provide practical and specific advice in all areas, helping drive improvement and development of participating companies.

Rebus Business Solutions LLC has established itself as a leading end-to-end training service provider with its high-quality, low costs, innovative business processes and skilled personnel. With a commitment to provide value for money to the customers and a passion to make valuable contribution to the growth of the company, we at Rebus simply strive to emerge as a one-stop solution to all your training needs.We are approved by PMI to provide Agile, PMI _x0013_ ACP, PMP Certification Training & Boot

Renewable Energy Centre, Mithradham conducts yearly one week long practical training programmes by international experts from industry on solar P-V installations, Solar drying and Energy from Biomass during September-October-November months.

EORenew offers renewable energy (RE) education, including hands-on classes. We do energy audits, help with Oregon state energy tax credit forms, and host SolWest Renewable Energy Fair the last weekend each July. Site includes the SolWest Fair program of events, and a quarterly newsletter of RE news and features.

The 2010 Go Green Expo National Tour will focus on the next steps in the growing green revolution including the latest and greatest eco-friendly products & services, renewable energy sources for businesses and consumers, educating the community about the many tangible ways to be and go green, sustainable methods of transportation and cutting edge solutions for growing the green economy.