Education & Training

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The Oregon Wave Energy Trust (OWET) is a nonprofit public-private partnership funded by the Oregon Innovation Council in 2007. Its mission is to serve as a connector for all stakeholders involved in wave energy project development - from research and development to early stage community engagement and final deployment and energy generation - positioning Oregon as the North America leader in this nascent industry and delivering its full economic and environmental potential for the state.

PCI has wind turbine technician schools in Kansas City. You can earn your wind turbine technician certification. Contact us today for more info.

Rebus Business Solutions LLC has established itself as a leading end-to-end training service provider with its high-quality, low costs, innovative business processes and skilled personnel. With a commitment to provide value for money to the customers and a passion to make valuable contribution to the growth of the company, we at Rebus simply strive to emerge as a one-stop solution to all your training needs.We are approved by PMI to provide Agile, PMI _x0013_ ACP, PMP Certification Training & Boot

Our company Solar Systems Full implementation of the deal . We provide customers with free on-site survey done before we start our work . We can help you determine the position and orientation of the house . We prepare an accurate quote on the basis of such surveys , design the system . The Complete paperwork and official measures we take the customer .

We are a team dedictaed to to educating and networking Eco companies and providers. Our annual event showcases hundreds of Ecological products and services. Taste, Learn, and Shop with us at the Think Green Eco Expo only in Playa del Carmen mexico.

An exciting green event is being hosted in the greater St. Louis area on January 22-24, 2010. Bi State Green Expo ( is sponsoring a green exposition with the goal of informing the St. Louis area public as to local services, products, and businesses in that are eco-friendly. If you are an entrepreneur, a large corporation, or a small business that has made the decision to go green, the event will provide you with a unique opportunity for greater visibility in this ever-expanding, cutting-edge market. Bi State Green Expo will be advertising on Fox TV, Clear Channel Radio stations, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Belleville News Democrat and many local outlets to insure that thousands of consumers visit the show. Each exhibitor will be offered several unique opportunities for enhanced visibility throughout the show for no additional cost, including main stage presentation time. A special meet and greet luncheon will be hosted for all exhibitors to provide time for business persons to cross pollinate and share goods and services. Special attractions of the expo include: Nearly 200 exhibitors Eco-friendly products New industry equipment Health conscious companies Educational seminars Kids Green Adventure Zone Contact Bi State Green Expo today to reserve booth space. For additional information, visit the web site at, or phone 618-345-4224, ext.108, or email This is an opportunity you won't want to miss.

Mailing Address:
1203 Vandalia
Collinsville, Illinois 62234
United States of America

Jatropha is a sustainable investment that the world is focusing today that is the better source for bio fuel that is the increase need for the world.

SPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light. The Society advances emerging technologies, including Solar Energy, through interdisciplinary information exchange, continuing education, publications, exhibitor presentations, as well as career and professional growth.SPIE Solar Energy + Technology - a part of Optics + Photonics - is a program focused on developing new solar-based energy sources, technologies, and systems.

a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to funding progressive alternative energy research. Our projects focus on immediate reduction of fossil fuel based energy and offer practical products to begin establishing an energy independent and sustainable US society.

African Scientist Society is Africa's largest environmental management organization to process the science African project, it is a group of scientific intellectuals as architects, researchers, engineers, technologist, inventors,technicians, designers and the practical scientist to perform as thinkers, savants, techie and the tenacious pathfinders to cater for the vision 2020 scheme and the grow Africa agenda 2030 continental environmental management policy to transform Africa to a better place.