Education & Training

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ExploreGate offers applied technology knowledge on a web-based platform that is available to everyone with an internet connection. We leverage crowd-sourced content from alternative energy experts combined with learning management & social tools to offer an online interactive video learning experience. Our content offering is suitable for individuals across a wide range of knowledge levels, including engineering, research & development, sales support and marketing.

IFGICT sustainability standards dedicated to all ICT products, services, and companies involved in ICT. The IFGICT standards provide criteria and guidelines for manufacturers, service providers, and companies to work toward sustainability and reach IFGICT certifications. Businesses or Governments that meet the program's criteria will be certified as "Green IT. Earning a green business designation from the IFGICT is a plus for your business.

SNEC (2009) PV Power Expo welcomes every participant in this field! Come and take the opportunity of this international platform to make the acquaintance of worldwide colleagues and, through further communication and cooperation, jointly create a bright future of green energy!

Blue Pacific Sales Training delivers engaging sales training experiences via targeted sales training by subject matter experts. Improve your sales force' mental toughness and modernize your sales management philosophy today.

We are a team dedictaed to to educating and networking Eco companies and providers. Our annual event showcases hundreds of Ecological products and services. Taste, Learn, and Shop with us at the Think Green Eco Expo only in Playa del Carmen mexico.

The research and consulting organization focused on the theme of projects development in the field of innovation based on clean technologies, "green" business, renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the field of "green" marketing and sustainable development in Eastern Europe and the CIS. Also IBCentre (Innovative Business Centre) is a professional organizer of industrial conferences and events dedicated to the new "green" markets, trends and innovation in the CIS and Eastern Europe

American Institute of Renewable Energy (AIRE) is an alternative energy research, development training and technology company. Solar training, weatherization trainings and green IT training programs are creating green jobs across the country.

United Market Insight provides cutting edge development and networking platforms to accelerate individual and corporate performance for today's international business leaders.Leading the market in knowledge based conferences, trainings, workshops and events. UMI events delivers quality and innovation to global corporations for gaining the competitive advantage and empowering organizations for success. UMI events are led by renowned industry experts with primary focus on comprehensive resear

Aimed at bridging ties between Tuscany and the U.S., the mission will allow American companies to meet Italian counterparts and learn about doing business in Tuscany

ISES works to achieve 100% renewable energy for all, used efficiently and wisely, by providing the global renewable energy community with a collective, scientifically credible voice and up-to-date information gathered and synthesized by its talented members. ISES promotes solar research and development, provides authoritative advice on renewable energy issues worldwide, advocates for a sustainable global solar industry, supports career growth and promotes energy education at all levels.