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The second European conference and exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT-EUROPE 2011), sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and hosted by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of The University of Manchester, will be held December 5 - 7 2011. This is an international forum for participants to address and discuss the state-of-the-art innovation in smart grids.

IFGICT sustainability standards dedicated to all ICT products, services, and companies involved in ICT. The IFGICT standards provide criteria and guidelines for manufacturers, service providers, and companies to work toward sustainability and reach IFGICT certifications. Businesses or Governments that meet the program's criteria will be certified as "Green IT. Earning a green business designation from the IFGICT is a plus for your business.

Formed as a Not for Profit Organization , Vega Environ started operating with an objective of attaining certain specific goals through educating, informing, implementing and incorporating services related to Renewable Energy, Agriculture, Water and Environment and Health.Vega Solar India bring Global leaders together to support the Solar Industry in India. This show will connect industry to the Entrepreneurs, Experts, Govt, Consultants, Professionals, and Corporates.

Renewable Energy Centre, Mithradham conducts yearly one week long practical training programmes by international experts from industry on solar P-V installations, Solar drying and Energy from Biomass during September-October-November months.

OSEIA was founded in 1981 to promote the use of renewable energy in Oregon, serve as the central organizing association for Oregon renewable energy professionals, establish and maintain a business code of ethics and sponsor legislation affecting renewable energy in Oregon.

We specialise in saving business across the UK money on the domestic and business energy consumption.

We aspire to turn the southern region of Israel into an international hub for the development of activities and technologies in renewable energy. The project integrates local entities, academic and government agencies, together with financial funding groups to leverage the field of renewable energy for regional development. The Eilat Eilot Green Energy Conference in December will reflect our work and will discuss challenges and opportunities in the global cleantech industry.

Imperial Irrigation District is a water and power provider located in Southern California. Serving one of the most renewable energy rich areas in California, Imperial Irrigation District is an active leader in advancing renewable energy development for California's agressive green energy goals.

Renewable-energy grid in the planning for the city of Hudson, NY

Supporting the Integration of Renewable Sources onto the Smart Grid