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CSP Today is the reference point for CSP professionals and a cornerstone for communications within the industry.We aim to provide you with industry focused news, events, reports, updates and information for the Concentrated Solar Thermal Power industry.Working with you, CSP Today aims to be the hub of the CSP community enabling dialogue throughout the industry and driving CSP forwards.CSP Today is also partnered with CPV Today and Thin Film Today.

a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to funding progressive alternative energy research. Our projects focus on immediate reduction of fossil fuel based energy and offer practical products to begin establishing an energy independent and sustainable US society.

The Knowledge Foundation is a leading provider of conferences & publications that focus on the commericalization of advanced technology is one of the world's leading technology scouting organizations. Technology Scouts from multinational corporations, universities, research institutes and venture capital firms from around the world visit our online Boutique and use our dedicated Private Search service to find attractive technologies for their new products, services and investments. Innovators from across the technology spectrum visit our InnovatorCircle to commercialize their technologies.

New Roots Energy is an independent wind energy consultant, specializing in small wind financical modeling software, education and consulting. With over 25 years of experience in the renewable energy sector, New Roots Energy provides manufacturers, distributors and consumers of small wind and solar energy with the information they need to install cost effective renewable energy systems.

The Center for Energy Sustainability and Economics (Center for Energy) is an industryresearch centre (IRC that works to bring top executives together in communities oflearning and practice to act as a catalyst for generating high-value energy, mining andnatural resources business insight and channel top expertise to where the world needsit most. Reach us at +1 212 837 7747, email or

Asian Institute of Technology is one of the leading post-graduate institution in Asia. Energy Field of Study belongs to its School of Environment, Resources and Development

A non-profit organization designed as a resource for solar and energy efficiency education and advocacy. We are located in Sonoma County, the only county to be named one of America's solar cities by the Department of Energy. Visit us on Facebook to learn more about what we do!

MCS Approved Solar Panels are eligible for the government's Feed in Tariff Scheme. Get regular payments for installing solar panels on your property/home.

The website is a peer reviews network where you can quickly find over 20,000 green products and great local businesses that will help you live a healthy life.