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As the National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization, a partially funded Department of Energy program, EnergySec has the primary mission to help the electric sector improve its cybersecurity posture. This mission extends into all aspects of Energy as well. We are constantly looking for ways to help the industry with security challenges, provide practical awareness and training, encourage innovation and build private/public partnerships. EnergySec is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

The Renewable Energy Technology Center in Windsor, Ontario opened its doors in August 2009. The Center took over space in an old, shuttered automotive manufacturing facility in the heart of the city, renovated it and re-purposed it to display the latest and best in renewable energy technologies with particular emphasis on solar technologies. The RET-Center houses solar companies such as Green Sun Rising, and has a training-dedicated area. The RET-Center operates 4 different solar systems, fully functional and in operation, plus additional demo units.

The Partnership for Advancing the Transition to Hydrogen (PATH), a 501(c)(6) organization, was established in 2002 in collaboration with the governments and national hydrogen associations of Canada, Japan and the United States. Its mission is to spread a consensus vision of the hydrogen economy globally and facilitate its implementation. Today, PATH has over 15 associations and partnering organizations, across 5 continents.

The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) has certified only a handful of individuals in Tampa Bay as Master Water Restorers and NextGen Restoration is one of them. Let our team put our certified expertise, standards in business ethics and experience work for you today!

The South Carolina Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Alliance is a public-private collaboration for cooperative & coordinated utilization of resources in the state used to advance the commercialization of hydrogen & fuel cell technologies. The SCHFCA is a non-profit partnership of government, business, academia & citizens working together to grow economies of local communities, the state & the nation, to enable energy security & to limit our environmental footprint with the use of hydrogen & fuel cells.

Home Made Energy tips, techniques and strategies for how to build a solar panel and wind turbine, Save money on electric bills, and enjoy the green energy lifestyle.

Renewable-energy grid in the planning for the city of Hudson, NY

EORenew offers renewable energy (RE) education, including hands-on classes. We do energy audits, help with Oregon state energy tax credit forms, and host SolWest Renewable Energy Fair the last weekend each July. Site includes the SolWest Fair program of events, and a quarterly newsletter of RE news and features.

IBC Academy delivers public and client specific education and training solutions for the ports, logistics, energy, environment, security and safety sectors, assisting individuals and organisations to achieve goals by developing skills, knowledge and performance.IBC Global Academy is part of Informa plc, the leading international provider of specialist information and services for the academic and scientific, professional and commercial business communities.