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We are a complete mechanical contractor serving Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York. We specialize in heating, cooling, ventilation, and comfort. Our trained staff will ensure your heating and cooling system is sized appropriate for the environment that it is in. We have completed many Passive house projects and are New York's only Passive House certified Mechanical Contractor.

SRI 2012 is an international gathering of city executives, development partners, technical experts, corporate CEOs and business entrepreneurs.SRI's main objective is the creation of development and sales opportunities in Africa: Many of these opportunities are achievable through stimulating entrepreneurship and assisting communities to become self-sufficient in their energy, water, mobility, environmental, development and human resources challenges.With the implementation of financially feasible, environmentally sustainable business models, Africa can provide developers and entrepreneurs an interesting return on investment and a unique carbon offset opportunity. A socially responsible investment in Africa would not only be an income-producing commitment to the environment, but also to the empowerment of local communities and a relief to local and national governments' service delivery burdens.SRI is an excellent business networking event, where delegates are given ample opportunity to meet leaders in their respected fields and to augment their database of suppliers and potential business contacts in the growing African market.

Business Media China, a German-owned and public company, has gained a great amount of experience in 20 years of organizing exhibitions. BMC is a leader in the international exhibition and business conference industry, with a vast global networking spanning over 20 countries. BMC is currently concentrating on Chinese energy conferences and exhibitions. From 2003-2008, BMC successfully organized the "Annual CHINA MINING Congress & Expo" with the Ministry of Land and Resources.

EnAlgae is a four-year Strategic Initiative of the INTERREG IVB North West Europe programme. It brings together 19 partners and 14 observers across 7 EU Member States with the aim of developing sustainable technologies for algal biomass production.

The Sustainable Energy Association Inc (SEA) is one of Australia's largest energy industry chambers, and supports the development of Australia's sustainable energy industries.SEA membership includes many key energy enterprises in Australia with almost 400 industry members from most industry sectors making SEA one of the largest industry bodies of its kind in Australia.

Imperial Irrigation District is a water and power provider located in Southern California. Serving one of the most renewable energy rich areas in California, Imperial Irrigation District is an active leader in advancing renewable energy development for California's agressive green energy goals.

The National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) is a pioneer and a national leader in promoting programs and activities that desire to cure America's addiction to oil and lead to energy independence and the greater use of cleaner transportation. The NAFTC is the only nationwide alternative fuel vehicle and advanced technology vehicle training organization in the United States!

As the National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization, a partially funded Department of Energy program, EnergySec has the primary mission to help the electric sector improve its cybersecurity posture. This mission extends into all aspects of Energy as well. We are constantly looking for ways to help the industry with security challenges, provide practical awareness and training, encourage innovation and build private/public partnerships. EnergySec is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

African Scientist Society is Africa's largest environmental management organization to process the science African project, it is a group of scientific intellectuals as architects, researchers, engineers, technologist, inventors,technicians, designers and the practical scientist to perform as thinkers, savants, techie and the tenacious pathfinders to cater for the vision 2020 scheme and the grow Africa agenda 2030 continental environmental management policy to transform Africa to a better place.

Headquartered in Germany since 1996, we are the most renowned and completely independent solarmagazine publisher dedicated to applying a critical approach to journalism. There is a strict separationbetween our editorial teams and advertising department to ensure a journalistic environment free of the influences of public relations. Our independent reporting is exactly what appeals to our readers.PHOTON Academy organizes seminars and a worldwide pv boot camp workshop series.