Renewea - the Renewable Energy Alliance - is a worldwide alliance of renewable energy professionals, companies, academics, governments and associations.Renewea has thousands of members globally including wind energy, solar energy, biofuels, biomass, hydro and ocean energy, geothermal, energy efficiency, cleantech and associated industry participants.
Mailing Address:
4307-130 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta T2Z3V8
Asian Institute of Technology is one of the leading post-graduate institution in Asia. Energy Field of Study belongs to its School of Environment, Resources and Development
OTTI (Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer Institut e.V.) was founded in 1977 as a non-profit-organisation. Our main goals are to provide state-of-the-art information and to establish networks between people from industry, science, and administration by providing conferences and workshops. Our energy department is one of the leading European organisers of international conferences and seminars in the field of renewable energies.Please find further information on
Mppt Solar is a free information service over renewable energy and a retailer of the most reliable and efficient products for wind and solar photovoltaic systems. Here you may find also informational articles over the latest clean technology and projects to help yourself become always more indipendent, free from energy costs and enviroment friendly.
Conference & Exhibition organizer for "International Conference on Oil palm Biomass" & "International Green Energy Conference & Exhibition"
The Florida Million Solar Rooftops Initiative is inviting Florida homeowners in major cities across the state to participate in a statewide procurement effort that enables residents to collectively negotiate competitive bids from reputable, certified solar contractors.This will mark Florida's first group-based, citizen-led sourcing event and is designed to allow homeowners to leverage their combined buying power in order to achieve lower pricing than what they could receive individually.
EVCT, a nonprofit school, facilitates training in Battery, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell courses. Courses are taught in Oklahoma or on site. EVCT is the only ASE certified EV training facility in the nation.
The Advanced Energy Center (AERTC) is a true partnership of Academic institutions, Research institutions, Energy providers and Industrial Corporations. Its mission is innovative energy research, education and technology deployment with a focus on efficiency, conservation, renewable energy and nanotechnology applications for new and novel sources of energy.
Home Made Energy tips, techniques and strategies for how to build a solar panel and wind turbine, Save money on electric bills, and enjoy the green energy lifestyle.
Bridging Nations offers graduate programs in the rapidly expanding green jobs sector.