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a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to funding progressive alternative energy research. Our projects focus on immediate reduction of fossil fuel based energy and offer practical products to begin establishing an energy independent and sustainable US society.

ISES works to achieve 100% renewable energy for all, used efficiently and wisely, by providing the global renewable energy community with a collective, scientifically credible voice and up-to-date information gathered and synthesized by its talented members. ISES promotes solar research and development, provides authoritative advice on renewable energy issues worldwide, advocates for a sustainable global solar industry, supports career growth and promotes energy education at all levels.

3rd Annual International Conference on Energy, Logistics & the Environment. October 13-14, Grand Hyatt, Denver.Keynote speakers: Bill Ritter Jr., John Coors and others. Fossil-fuel energy has fostered industrialization, economic growth and prosperity in _x0000__x0000_ኹ෇_x0000__x0000_ጃ෽_x0000__x0000_ፍำ_x0000__x0000_᎗๩_x0000__x0000_Ꮰຠ_x0000__x0000_ᐪ໖_x0000__x0000_ᑴ༌_x0000__x0000_ᒽགྷ_x0000__x0000_ᔇཹ_x0000__x0000_ᕑྯ_x0000__x0000_ᖛ࿥_x0000__x0000_ᗤလ_x0000__x0000_ᘮၒ_x0000__x0000_ᙸႈ_x0000__x0000_ᛂႾ_x0000__x0000_ᜋჵ_x0000__x0000_᝕ᄫ_x0000__x0000_សᅡ_x0000__x0000_៩ᆗ_x0000__x0000_ᠲᇎ_x0000__x0000_᡼ሄ_x0000__x0000_ᣆሺ_x0000__x0000_ᤐተ_x0000__x0000_ᥙኧ_x0000__x0000_ᦣዝ_x0000__x0000_᧭ጓ_x0000__x0000_ᨷፉ_x0000__x0000_᪀ᎀ_x0000__x0000_᫊Ꮆ_x0000__x0000_ᬔᏬ_x0000__x0000_᭞ᐢ_x0000__x0000_ᮧᑙ_x0000__x0000_ᯱᒏ_x0000__x0000_᰻ᓅ_x0000__x0000_ᲅᓻ_x0000__x0000_᳎ᔲ_x0000__x0000_ᴘᕨ_x0000__x0000_ᵢᖞ_x0000__x0000_ᶬᗔ_x0000__x0000_᷵ᘋ_x0000__x0000_ḿᙁ_x0000__x0000_ẉᙷ_x0000__x0000_Ồᚮ_x0000__x0000_Ἔᛤ_x0000__x0000_ὦ᜚_x0000__x0000_ᾰᝐ_x0000__x0000_Όជ_x0000__x0000_⁃ួ_x0000__x0000_₍៳_x0000__x0000_⃗ᠩ_x0000__x0000_℠ᡠ_x0000__x0000_Ⅺᢖ_x0000__x0000_↴ᣌ_x0000__x0000_⇾ᤂ_x0000__x0000_≇᤹_x0000__x0000_⊑᥯_x0000__x0000_⋛ᦥ_x0000__x0000_⌥᧛_x0000__x0000_⍮ᨒ_x0000__x0000_⎸ᩈ_x0000__x0000_␂᩾_x0000__x0000_⑌᪴_x0000__x0000_⒕᫫_x0000__x0000_ⓟᬡ_x0000__x0000_┩᭗_x0000__x0000_╳ᮍ_x0000__x0000_▼ᯄ_x0000__x0000_☆᯺_x0000__x0000_♐ᰰ_x0000__x0000_⚚ᱦ_x0000__x0000_⛣Ო_x0000__x0000_✭᳓_x0000__x0000_❷ᴉ_x0000__x0000_⟁ᴿ_x0000__x0000_⠊ᵶ_x0000__x0000_⡔ᶬ_x0000__x0000_⢞ᷢ_x0000__x0000_⣨Ḙ_x0000__x0000_⤱ṏ_x0000__x0000_⥻ẅ_x0000__x0000_⧅ẻ_x0000__x0000_⨎Ỳ_x0000__x0000_⩘Ἠ_x0000__x0000_⪢὞_x0000__x0000_⫬ᾔ_x0000__x0000_⬵Ή_x0000__x0000_⭿ _x0000__x0000_⯉‷_x0000__x0000_Ⱃ_x0000__x0000_ⱜ₤_x0000__x0000_Ⲧ⃚_x0000__x0000_⳰ℐ_x0000__x0000_ⴺⅆ_x0000__x0000_ⶃⅽ_x0000__x0000_ⷍ↳_x0000__x0000_⸗⇩_x0000__x0000_⹡∟_x0000__x0000_⺪≖_x0000__x0000_⻴⊌_x0000__x0000_⼾⋂_x0000__x0000_⾈⋸_x0000__x0000_⿑⌯_x0000__x0000_〛⍥_x0000__x0000_づ⎛_x0000__x0000_ク⏑_x0000__x0000_ヸ␈_x0000__x0000_ㅂ␾_x0000__x0000_ㆌ⑴_x0000__x0000_㇖⒪_x0000__x0000_㈟ⓡ_x0000__x0000_㉩┗_x0000__x0000_㊳╍_x0000__x0000_㋽▃_x0000__x0000_㍆►_x0000__x0000_㎐◰_x0000__x0000_㏚☦_x0000__x0000_㐣♝_x0000__x0000_㑭⚓_x0000__x0000_㒷⛉_x0000__x0000_㔁⛿_x0000__x0000_㕊✶_x0000__x0000_㖔❬_x0000__x0000_㗞➢_x0000__x0000_㘨⟘_x0000__x0000_㙱⠏_x0000__x0000_㚻⡅_x0000__x0000_㜅⡻_x0000__x0000_㝏⢱_x0000__x0000_㞘⣨_x0000__x0000_㟢⤞_x0000__x0000_㠬⥔_x0000__x0000_㡶⦊_x0000__x0000_㢿⧁_x0000__x0000_㤉⧷_x0000__x0000_㥓⨭_x0000__x0000_㦝⩣_x0000__x0000_㧦⪚_x0000__x0000_㨰⫐_x0000__x0000_㩺⬆_x0000__x0000_㫄⬼_x0000__x0000_㬍⭳_x0000__x0000_㭗⮩_x0000__x0000_㮡⯟_x0000_

Renewable-energy grid in the planning for the city of Hudson, NY

OSEIA was founded in 1981 to promote the use of renewable energy in Oregon, serve as the central organizing association for Oregon renewable energy professionals, establish and maintain a business code of ethics and sponsor legislation affecting renewable energy in Oregon.

Buy wholesale air conditioners, wholesale furnaces and wholesale heat pumps from Air Conditioner HQ. Choose from popular brands such as Goodman, Trane, Rheem and more.

ASEES (Sino-Spanish Association for Energy and Sustainability) opens a direct channel between Spain and China in the energy and environment sectors in which Spain has a high level of innovation and competitiveness. This collaborative platform offers China the tools it needs to undertake urgent remodelling in its development strategy and to achieve a more sustainable future.

Opportunity IrelandOpportunity Ireland will connect you with Government and private sources of funding, through its extensive investor network, to help your company start, grow, innovate and win sales around the globe. High growth sectors already have strong clusters within Ireland, providing the network and knowledge that companies need to scale their business. Opportunity Ireland can connect you to the heart of this well established ecosystem, well connected to the supports a start-up requires ranging from funding, mentor support and strategic advice pertinent to the Irish market.Competition for public funding can be fierce, particularly among start ups and emerging companies, thus requiring additional support through organizations like Opportunity Ireland. Our knowledge of and familiarity with Government agencies on both sides of the Atlantic, can ensure that your company receives as much visibility as possible when applying for Government funding.In terms of private funding, emerging companies are all too familiar with having to reach out to investors to fund their company's growth. Opportunity Ireland on the other hand reaches out to emerging companies, and tries to find a low cost/low risk solution that will enable them to further grow by entering new export markets.Additionally, Ireland offers turnkey solutions that enable emerging companies to set up an operation immediately, and at nominal cost/risk, and Opportunity Ireland can connect you with the appropriate service providers in Ireland. The sooner you are up and running, the sooner you can start generating revenues, which is critical during the early months of operation.Opportunity Ireland hosts ongoing monthly meetings with companies and investors considering Ireland as an investment location. It also organizes trade missions to Ireland. These missions are a leisure/cultural and business experience that showcase Ireland to companies with innovative technologies as a prime world class location to scale their business. Members of the Opportunity Ireland team strongly feel that the only way a company, considering setting up an operation in another region, can do true due diligence is to actually visit the region and experience its business and cultural environment first hand.

Mailing Address:
530 Fifth Avenue, 23rd Floor Mailroom
New York, NY 10036
United States of America

The Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA), founded in 1994, is an international non-profit trade organization representing the radiant and hydronic comfort industries with standards and programs for installation, education, public awareness and events.

Spintelligent is your principal, local based, knowledge partner and events coordinator for Sub-Saharan Africa. We provide you the best in class Sub Saharan African multi-media resources to help you expand your operations and achieve your business ambitions across the Power, Mining, Education, Agriculture and Defence industry sectors.Spintelligent is part of Clarion Events, a global business-to-business event organiser with over 500 staff in offices in South Africa, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Un